Karolina Koc-Michalska is Professor at Audencia Business School, France, Associate Professor at Silesia University, Poland and Associated Researcher at Sciences-Po Paris. She held visiting appointments at the Columbia University and at the University California, Santa Barbara.
Karolina’s research interests include the online communication strategy employed by political actors across Europe, the professionalization of the campaigning, and parties’ strategic communication via social media. She is also interested in offline and online political participation (especially the role of motivations and encouragements), the role of traditional and new media in electoral processes, and citizens’ electoral behavior. She has guest-edited special issues for New Media and Society, Political Communication, Information Communication & Society, Social Science Computer Review and Journal of Information, Technology and Politics. She is involved in H2020 OPTED project and currently leads the project Responsible Citizen from a Communication perspective.
More info can be found at her profile.